In Sersol Bhd, Justin Lim Kencing Berdiri, si Bapak pulak mengencing dan lari.

SERSOL Bhd has swiftly moved to contain and restrict Justin Lim Hwa Tat,  who of late has been prone to induced erratic behaviour.

SERSOL is the second  public listed company  this week that has moved to sanction  Justin Lim  Hwa Tat dealings in his capacity  as either managing director or executive director.

COMPUTER Forms Bhd tightening of the screws, resulted in Justin Lim Hwa Tat, quitting Computer Forms in a RUSH

OVER at Sersol Bhd, the company  moved decisively via the courts to get an order stopping Justin Lim Hwa Tat from representing the company.

HIS  father,  Lim Tiong Siang powers as executive to chairman of Sersol has been placed in cold  storage, as the roof seems to have  caved in on Justin Lim Hwa Tat, dream to be a major wheeler and dealer in Corporate Malaysia.

THE  story though, doesn't end here. Just go check how much of Sersol  Bhd's cash balance is now on the  GONE WITH THE WIND  corner.!!!


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