Justin Lim Hwa Tat Attempts To Paint MACC in a bad light.

THE Muhyiddin Yassin friendly Tong Kooi Ong's Edge Publication seems to have teamed up with serial con men Justin Lim Hwa Tat to trash the MACC.

THE Edge has a series credibility problem here, which one suspects has a lot to do with the publication owner's non preference of Azam Baki.

YET the Edge has chosen to merely print one side of the story in which Justin Lim Hwa Tat claims that there had been no attempts by the MACC to serve the notice at his place of work.

AND why is Justin silent on the police reports lodged against him both here in Malaysia and in Indonesia.

To recap, an American company has lodged a police report against Justin Lim Hwa Tat for fraud, while in Indonesia, a Belarus company held a press conference to state Justin Lim Hwa Tat had run away without paying them the millions due to them.

ALSO, the owner of the premise in Pavilion too has lodged a report against Justin,  as he didn't pay the RM5000 monthly rental.

LAST, but not least. WHY issue a statement. Come back to Malaysia lah. Don't  be another Jho Low, issue statement and never show up..


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