Justin Lim Hwa Tat's USD 35 power ploy

JUSTIN Lim Hwa Tat,  the co owner of Just Capella  Sdn Bhd which runs the Miss Universe  pagent in Malaysia, is running out of time, as the pagent event gets closer.

JustinLim Hwa Tat and wife, have now attempted a mind play power play to intimidate  Azam Baki's MACC to pursue the whereabouts of Justin Lim Hwa Tat and why he seems to have so many different names and personality.

What Poppy Capella uploaded was no fabrication, yet it was deceptive, trying to potray Justin Lim Hwa Tat as influential in Indonesia.

Shame on you Justin Lim Hwa Tat. Stolen money may buy you temporary connections and friends but it can never buy what you crave for ; CLASS.

Class is in built, Justin Lim Hwa Tat.  You either have it or as in your case, need pay USD 35 an hour to pretend to have it.


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