Sersol Bhd's Ties To The Miss Universe Event Is Deeper than thought.

LOOKS like Justin Lim Hwa Tat is not the only individual from Sersol Bhd, to have strong ties with the Malaysian Miss Universe franchise holder.

Justin Lim Hwa Tat is part owner of Just Capella  Sdn Bhd, the franchise holder of the Miss Universe event over here.

Just Capella is an acronym for Justin Capella. Capella stands for Poppy Capella, the Indonesian  dangdut singer, said to be Justin Hwa Tat's wife .

As for the children, it is understood the ones from Poppy's womb were nor fathered by Justin Lim Hwa Tat.

Apparently, the appointment of Westin Chew as Sersol's Head of Corporate strategy in 2022, which was the centre of many crude jokes due to a certain person unable to speak English without grammatical errors, did not stop Justin Lim Hwa Tat from appointing him the CEO of Miss Universe Malaysia.

I have only one advise to the Malaysian Government,  please do not allow the country to send a representative, because neither Justin Lim Hwa Tat nor his friend Westin Chew are they type of individuals that you want to rely on.


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