SMTRACK's Silence is deafening!

FIVE  days ago,  SMTrack Bhd told the public that the company  will make the necessary announcements as and when there are further developments with regards to Justin Lim Hwa Tat.

Since then there has been an  utter silence by SM Track Bhd with regards to this matter, and strangely Bursa Malaysia does not seem to interested to query SM Track on Justin Lim Hwa Tat's location.

SmTrack had claimed that Justine Lim Hwa Tat was overseas on business. Bursa Malaysia, you are not interested to find out is which country?

SmTrack's announcement five days ago had specifically mentioned that the MACC had not been in contact with the company.

Does SM Track's silence mean, that the MACC had not interviewed the company's representatives with regards to Justin Lim Hwa Tat's whereabouts, because if the anti corruption had done so, then it constitutes a FRESH DEVELOPMENT  


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